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Friday, September 22, 2006

Haters of Homework article

In the Denver Post on Thursday, Sept. 21, there was a great editorial on homework by David Harsanyi. I can't believe how many articles have come out the past few months on homework for school children. It is becoming a widely argumented topic. This particular editorial jumped out at me because he makes his case the first half of the article and questions the use of homework. About half way through, he says "Now comes the tough part. I'm going to try to get an education professional to admit on the record that homework is a waste of everyone's time." After that he quotes a few professionals and their ideas on why homework is needed. I wanted so badly to email him and tell him about our 21 C group here and the work we are doing as well as the questions we are asking. I can't help but think that there are others out there who are also questioning. I am curious why he couldn't find someone to support his ideas or at least somewhat agree. Did he look? He also didn't address the fact that if we did away with homework the parents, for the most part, would be in an uproar at least in our community. There is more to this homework habit than just teachers. I thought the article was thought provoking but would sure love to send a comment back to him. Any takers want to help me?

Are we really listening?

The think that has been on my mind the past few weeks continues to be my Cognitive Coaching training that I attended in August. I am always reminded what a truly poor listener I am. Not only me, but this culture in general. I am trying to remain cognisant of listening to others but it is extremely hard to do. I feel I have so much to share when in reality people don't want to hear what I have to say. They want to be heard, just like I do. Where do we go to be heard? Someone asked me this and I truly had to think about it. I have discussions with colleagues and share with my spouse but to truly be heard with no interupptions is a tough one? I am interested where others go for this? I have 4 more days of training left and can only hope that I will continue to build up my skills to be a good listener and coach.