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Monday, November 21, 2005

Given A Chance

I was filling my husband in on Tony's presetation from last week. He shared some things with me that I never knew. When he was in high school, he worked everyday after school (father died and mom raising 5 kids, very poor). He did not do homework but could ace tests and in class assignments. He is extremely smart! However, due to the lack of homework, the school would not put him in Honors classes and instead made him take Vocational classes. This wasn't all bad because he discovered that he loves to do carpentry, which is what he doesn now. However, I wonder what else he could have done if he just would have been given the chance?


  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Kristin L said…

    Who is "zen"? Anyway, the question you ask about your husband's potential is a question I ask of many of my students. To what extent are we stunting our students by limiting our expectations? This is why I've always been interested in constructivism--it seems to offer less boundaries and far more individualized opportunities.

  • At 6:01 PM, Blogger Crosby said…

    It is interesting to consider your husband's experience. I think that we all address situations like that differently. My question is, if he was doing so well on tests and not doing any homework, then what exactly was the value of the homework?

  • At 2:11 PM, Blogger Barbara S. said…

    The phrase "This wasn't all bad" bothers me. I think it is awful that a student would be denied learning opportunities...because of not doing homework. Oh, is that how we place our honors kids?!?


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